As scholarships come in for the 2024-25 school year they will be posted in the Career Center as well as available here online. Remember if you’re applying to a specific college they usually have their own scholarship program! LCC has an amazing scholarship program that usually has money left over to give out because students don’t take the time to apply!

Scholarships posted in the Career Center are for Seniors only. Juniors should look at the “Other Opportunities” for various search engine sites that they can create a profile and will be sent scholarships that they are qualified for.

2024-2025 Scholarships

  • Watch for new 2024-2025 scholarships to start posting after start of next SY

Other Opportunities

Remember to NEVER pay for scholarship information!!!

Please be extremely cautious if a scholarship is asking for personal info such as your social security number!

Helpful Hints to a Successfully Submitted Scholarship

  • NEATNESS COUNTS !!!! Whenever possible type your application, or attach a resume sheet with all required info included.
  • Apply Early!! Be aware of the DEADLINE …. Get it done and turn it in. Don’t wait until the last day to submit!
  • Get those letters of recommendations early so you have them ready to go. Many teachers get busy with them at the beginning of the year so they might not have the time to get yours to you before your deadline, or they have to rush through it and not be able to do as good of a job describing the awesome person you are, and it just might make the difference in who gets the scholarship.
  • Three letters of recommendation are good to have on hand, possible sources are: a teacher, coach, administrator, leader of a community project and a business person in the community that you’ve worked with.
  • Hard time with answering those essay questions to sound the way you want? Try recording your answer and transcribe it. If you get to choose the subject make sure it’s something you’re passionate about that shows them why they should invest in you! Stay on topic!
  • Have a professional sounding email. ….…. doesn’t inspire confidence that you’ll use their money wisely.
  • Have someone else proof read for errors, or to see if something doesn’t quite say what you were aiming for.
  • Make a copy of your application and the date you sent/submitted it.
  • Don’t skip over a smaller amount scholarship as not being worth your time… small one’s add up, and even paying for 1 book saves money to be paid out of pocket, or included in a loan.
  • Apply for any and all scholarship you remotely qualify for, and maybe some that are a bit of a stretch.. you never know!


Other scholarship informational websites:

Help with Resumes:


Kim Moore, Career Center